Which Workshop is Right For Me?

Oh snap, you caught us out! We’re still working on the quiz, but if you’ve landed here it’s because you are interested in a workshop and aren’t sure how long is suitable. Here’s a quick and dirty guide for budgeting purposes, but you should check your specific situation with our Digital Happiness Manager, Jo, before booking.

  • Small businesses with limited goods/services and a maximum of two participants: 2 hours
  • Startups with complex messages, established businesses with a range of goods/services, small non-profits: 3 hours
  • Large organisations with an executive structure, particularly if there are more than 3 participants OR more than 3 distinct audiences: 4 hours

Please note that workshops times do not include additional preparation such as survey preparation, data analysis or requirements gathering. For organisations that fall into the last category and complex rebuild projects, we may recommend a custom package that includes all of this as well as help preparing participants to get the most out of your workshop.

Get in touch to discuss your organisation’s needs, or to create a custom package!