She Codes

We have been supporters of social enterprise She Codes since back when they were Perth{web}Girls! We built their first website pro-bono, have written a heap of tutorial content and have been long-time mentors.

In 2021 we helped them create their new home on the web (now that they have gone national!) providing training and guidance along with some of our mad tech skills to bring their vision to life in a way that would support their growing organisation. We still provide ongoing support to the She Codes team through our Mission Digital program.

Both of our directors have mentored extensively at She Codes workshops, and we helped create some of the content for the first iteration of their flagship She Codes Plus program, a six-month boot camp that helps women become workplace ready for careers in tech. We also created the 1-day Workshop WordPress tutorial, for those who just needed a little help DIYing their first website, and contributed to several others.